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Post Objective: About the Book

What if someone tells you that “True Justice” is an illusion?

That’s what Carmelo Pinnavaria wants to instill to the world. His book, Court vs. Pro-se: True Story – At War For Justice, is a true story that depicts his war for justice.

The book highlights thousands of cases corrupted by the judicial system, trial court judges, and lack of justice.

Witness how our judicial system is more inclined toward creating a corrupt landscape than giving justice, in Carmelo’s book.

Order now!

Post Objective: About the Author

Carmelo (Carmen) Pinnavaria, migrated to the United States when he was 19, and worked hard to achieve his legal rights in the country.

While being in the country, he soon realized that the country’s economy is a roller coaster ride, and recession seemed like its favorite pastime.

His book is about the struggles that he had to face during his life as a law-abiding citizen in the United States.

Find out more about his findings in the book, Court vs. Pro-se: True Story – At War For Justice, today!

Post Objective: Highlight section “The Story: The Village of Trout Valley”

Located along the Fox River, The Village of Trout Valley is part of the original 900 acres purchased by John Hertz, the founder of the Yellow Cab and the Couch Company.

Although seemed like a peaceful place, the Trout Valley Association filed a complaint against Carmelo for a small shed he build outside the deed of restrictions.

Yes, it seems insignificant, but it wasn’t the case for Carmelo.

Find out how the judicial system fared in “insignificant” case, in Carmelo’s new book.

Order your copy today!

Post Objective: Discuss the Characters From “The Story: The Village of Trout Valley”

Ever think about being harassed by councilmen for a shed just behind the area of restriction?

Sounds ridiculous, but not for Carmelo.

The Village of Trout Valley took this with utmost seriousness and showed unjust when members like Mrs. Katy Price, Mr. Kidder, and legal counsel Robyn Kish.

Experience the complete destruction of justice in Carmelo’s new book.

Place your orders today.

Post Objective: Carmelo Pinnavaria’s education at the University of Life.

Carmelo Pinnavaria enrolled in the University of Life in 1967, and wanted to learn all about capitalism.

His goal was to understand how the country who stood for freedom, because a jungle for the fittest to survive.

He also wanted to join a company that has enough benefits to support him and his family after he retired – thus began his journey at Motorola.

Unfortunately, life isn’t a walk in the park, and Carmelo found it the hard way.

To learn more about his life, order your copy of his book today.

Post Objective: A Dreamer – A Visionary (Motorola’s CEO Mr. Bob Galvin 1922 – 2011)

Motorola Communication Division’s rapid growth was due to one person, its CEO, Mr. Bob Galvin.

Mr. Galvin was a visionary who led the company to become a corporate giant. From his training program through the Motorola University to the introduction of the Motorola Museum, he became a role model for leaders all around the world.

Witness his story in Carmelo’s new exciting novel today.

Post Objective: Mr. George Fisher served as the President of Motorola for several years. He was also a great visionary.

Mr. George Fisher served as the President of Motorola for several years. A visionary, who worked along with Mr. Galvin to lead Motorola the leader of cellphones.

His dream was to become the CEO of the company, but failed to do so, because of Mr. Galvin’s nepotistic approach.

However, it didn’t stop him from becoming the CEO of Kodak, and going above and beyond.

Read more about Mr. George Fisher in Carmelo’s new book. Order now!

Post Objective: Bob Galvin were replaced by book smart personnel with little to no corporate experience.

After Bob Galvin’s son, Chris Galvin became the CEO of Motorola, it all went downhill. Most of his subordinates resigned from the company, and were replaced by book smart personnel with no experience.

Even with the internet boom, Motorola failed to capitalize, and continued to cause problems – eventually leading the company toward a turmoil.

Where did everything go wrong for Motorola?

Let’s find out in Carmelo’s new book. Order now!

Post Objective: Visionary, Mr. Bob Galvin.

Mr. Bob Galvin, singlehandedly expanded the company’s workforce from 6,000 in 1955 to over 100,000 in over 30 years.

He resigned from the company as the Chairman, but a hero who led from the front.

He was also the father of transistor radio, tape recorders, semiconductors, and also providing NASA with a radio equipment for Apollo 11’s moon landing.

His achievements for the company and for the country are worth mentioning and celebrating. However, did it work out for Mr. Galvin in the end?

Let’s find out.

Post Objective: The law serves justice to those who are unjust to others – Section from fight for Justice

“The law services justice to those who are unjust to others.”

This is what we have learned all our lives, but is it really the case?

Perhaps, everything is far from the truth.

Order your copy of the book today to learn more about “True Justice,” and what we’re dealing with.

Post Objective: the law really is different for the elite class, but they cannot always get away with it.

Unfortunately, we’re living in a country where the law is different for the elite.

Those who belong to the lower class have to battle tooth and nail to receive justice, while the elites get what they want with their money and influence.

This is where the difference between true justice and the American way is making life a living hell for people.

Let us learn more about justice and the failure of the American Judiciary system in Carmelo’s new book. Order now!

Post Objective: How open door policy events had an impact on Company.

With the company going down like a malfunctioning plane, Motorola needed to change something. So, they resorted to an open-door policy.

Unfortunately, it only added more frustration for the management because they failed to understand the program.

So, is an open-door policy worth including?

Let’s find out.

Post Objective: Corporate Giant Motorola

Motorola was the leader in the cellular handset and infrastructure business. With over 50% of the market share, it basically had no competition.

but eventually, this corporate giant turned from “Glory To Ashes”, it took 75 years to build and 15 years to destroy.

Witness the demise of this Corporate Giant by reading Carmelo’s book.

Post Objective: Blood, sweat, and tears

History is made by those who see beyond what already exists. They see all the things that don’t yet.

Carmelo shares that blood, sweat, and tears from past generations made this country great. The human suffering for the past 100 years was due to wars and political events throughout the world.

Highlight the status of our civilization and the future of our planet for future generations and us.

Order a copy of this book and witness the sacrifices of past generations.

Post Objective: Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear weapons elimination will make all states and their people safer. It’s time to assert our right to live in a nuclear-weapon-free world.

Carmelo shares that the superpowers like the United States, Russia, China, and other nations with nuclear weapons are playing “Russian Roulette” with the development of more sophisticated nuclear weapons.

We are heading towards the self-destruction of the Human Race.

Place your order for the book “At war for justice” to get to know more about it.

Post Objective: Corrupt Politicians

There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government filled with incompetent, corrupt, and vile men.

In his book, Carmelo Pinnavaria shares that our corrupt politicians are serving their own interest and not the interest of “we the people” wasting taxpayer’s money on the military builds up around the world and aid to other countries.

While people in their country are starving.

Delve into Carmelo’s book and witness the injustice.

Post Objective: Ineffective Judicial System

The judicial system is designed to protect all people regardless of rich, poor, color, race, religion, or gender, and provides equal justice for all.

Are we really living in a country where the judicial system is effective and capable of investigating and adjudicating criminal offenses effectively and impartially while ensuring that the rights of suspects and victims are protected?

Let’s find out by ordering Carmelo’s Book Now!

Post Objective: 9/11

Shock, sadness, fear, anger: The 9/11 attacks inflicted a devastating emotional toll on Americans.

Over 3,000 innocent people were killed and 6,000 were injured. Many other people died from cancer and respiratory diseases in the months and years following the attacks.

Carmelo asks himself, Why did this Islamic terrorist group, Al-Qaeda, decide to attack the United States overnight?

Order Carmelo’s Book And find out why?

Post Objective: Quote from the Book

The latest development for the appointment of a Judge to the Supreme Court of the United States has been nothing more than a political arena. The September hearing conducted by a “Circus of Clowns” of the Senate Judicial Committee only had one missing element, a clown uniform. – Carmelo Pinnavaria

Post Objective: Three Assassinations.

United States Senator Robert F. Kennedy of New York delivered an improvised speech several hours after the assassination of Martin Luther.

With the assassination of John Kennedy, Robert gained his footing on civil rights and common cause with Americans left out of the American Dream. Later Robert F. Kennedy was also assassinated.

What is the connection between the three assassinations, the plane crash, and 9/11/2001?

place the order of this Book and witness the TRUTH.

Post Objective: Exporting Technology

After three wars (WWII in Europe, WWII in Japan, and the North/South Korean War) the United States became the superpower in all sectors of the economy.

In 1950-1960, baby boomers wants to have a family, created by the biggest economic expansion in history: 100% US-made.

U.S. Companies wanted more (Money and Greed) in the 1960s, so the U.S. started exporting technology to Japan and South Korea due to cheap labor, without understanding the consequences.

Read the Book to See how this change affects the US economy.

Post Objective: Author’s Message

Mankind has been at war from the start of civilization.

This book will take you back to the times of the “Pharaohs,” to current events. Our calendar starts with the birth of Jesus, over 2000 years ago with the evolution of Christianity. For centuries,

mankind has failed to live in peace and harmony with one another.

Order your Copy to uncover the historical events that had an impact on our current life.

Post Objective: Banking System

Banks are to the economy what the heart is to the human body.

The OCC charters regulate and supervise all national banks and federal savings associations as well as federal branches and agencies of foreign banks.


Is it true that the National Banks and all other systems are under the control of OCC without any external influence?

Order the book and find out.

Post Objective: Pension

The pension plan is a regular income paid by a government or a financial organization to someone who no longer works.

Order Carmelo’s book “At War For Justice” to find out the connection between organized crime families with the labor union pension and the actions that higher authority should take.


Since Columbus’s discovery of the Continent “America,” it was named North America, Central, and South America. The North, as we know it today, was divided into three countries, “Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

Join the fight for justice with “At War for Justice.” Order your copy and be inspired by this remarkable true story.


From 1800, all the way to the early 1900s, word spread that America was the land of opportunity and carried the future to make a better living.

Ships then loaded the Europeans and headed straight for America, while some went to North America and others shifted their course to Central and South America.

Order Carmelo’s book and witness what happened next.


If we learn from recorded history, European Countries were always at war with one another. Wars bring economic chaos, starvation, misery, and worst of all, sickness.

Order the book at war for justice and learn why the European countries were always at war.


At War for Justice” is an inspiring true story that not only highlights the struggle for justice but also sheds light on the historical context of war between countries and their constant state of war.

Order your copy now and discover the untold story of courage, perseverance, and justice.


Growing up, Carmen was taught to be honest, moral, and respectful toward others. He was a law-abiding citizen who didn’t pay much attention to the legal system until he was thrown into “shark-infested waters.”

His experiences taught him that surviving in the U.S. was like being a small fish swimming in water with sharks.

Find out how what injustice Carmelo faced by ordering this book.


Despite the challenges, Carmelo’s father continued working until the cold environment began to affect his health. In 1938, he went back to Italy, only to find that Europe was on the brink of World War II.

After the war, his father passed away, and Carmelo did everything possible to help his family. However, greed led to conflict, leaving him with nothing but grief.

Order Carmelo’s Book And find out why?


Francesca, Carmelo’s mother, was born in 1908 and experienced both World War I and World War II.

As a teenager, she learned to sew and crochet at a convent where unwanted babies were sheltered. She and her sister started sewing clothes for locals in the late 1920s.

Order the book and witness how she survived.


The judicial system in the United States is not perfect. In many cases, the judicial system fails to understand the law, leading to decisions that are unjust.

The legal system needs to do better to ensure that everyone is treated equally and with respect.

Place the order of this Book and witness the TRUTH of the Judicial system.


This book is a personal memoir of the corrupt and malicious conduct of the lower and upper courts in the United States. It is a powerful reminder that the legal system needs to be reformed to ensure that justice is served and that everyone is treated equally and with respect.

Get the book now!


Explore the history of human conflict from Pharaohs to the present day. Discover how centuries of war have shaped our world. Order now for a revealing look at the events that define our existence.

Available on Amazon.


The fight for justice is an age-old struggle, but unfortunately, the law is not always the same for everyone. In the American way, the elite class often enjoys a different set of rules than the rest of society.

The truth and justice can differ for those who can afford to buy their way out of trouble. Even a simple mistake, like parking in a “No Parking” zone, can result in different outcomes based on one’s social status.

Uncover the truth of the Justice system in Carmelo’s book “At War For Justice”.


It’s no secret that many politicians have strong ties to the Department of Justice and the Securities Exchange Commission, which can lead to a lot of corruption and backroom deals.

Unfortunately, the political arena in Washington is filled with what can only be described as a “Circus of Clowns”.

Order the book and witness the hidden truth.


Discover the powerful and inspiring story of brave Pro-se individuals who stood up against corruption in the legal system.

With a gripping storyline and unexpected plot twists, this must-read novel is a thrilling page-turner. Join the fight for justice and be inspired to make a difference in the world.

Order your copy today and be part of the movement to save the Constitution for future generations!


Columbus discovered America, which was divided into North, Central, and South. As Europe was ravaged by wars and sickness, word of America’s opportunities spread, leading to a mass migration of Europeans.

The French, British, and Spanish colonized different parts of the continent, creating a diverse melting pot that shaped its future.

Order Carmelo’s book and witness what happened next.


WWII was a brutal conflict that left a trail of destruction and suffering in its wake. The aftermath of the war saw Germany divided into four zones, and later two zones, while Italy was left with political instability.

For Carmelo, the war had a personal toll as his father passed away and he faced greed and grief from his family. Despite these challenges, he went on to marry and have two children.

Get the book and witness his story.


“At War for Justice” is an inspiring true story that not only highlights the struggle for justice but also sheds light on the historical context of war between countries and their constant state of war.

Order your copy now and discover the untold story of courage, perseverance, and justice.


Carmelo Pinnavaria migrated to the US and learned that it’s a tough place to survive. He went to night school to learn English and enrolled in the “School of Hard Knocks” to understand capitalism.

He switched jobs to gain more experience. Order his book to discover his journey.

Find out how what injustice Carmelo faced by ordering this book.


Discover the fascinating history of human conflict through the ages. From ancient Egypt to the modern world, this book offers a comprehensive exploration of the causes and effects of war.

Explore the evolution of warfare, from swords and spears to modern weapons of mass destruction. Gain insight into the political, social, and economic factors that have driven conflicts throughout history.

Order your copy today and gain a deeper understanding of the impact of war on our world.


Francesca, Carmelo’s mother, was born in 1908 and experienced both World War I and World War II.

As a teenager, she learned to sew and crochet at a convent where unwanted babies were sheltered. She and her sister started sewing clothes for locals in the late 1920s.

Order the book and witness how she survived.


Over the past 35 years, China has become a manufacturing superpower, producing goods at lower costs than the US. This benefits consumers worldwide.

Despite concerns over unfair trade, American companies have profited billions from Chinese-made products sold to US consumers.

Tariffs would hurt US consumers, as companies would pass on the costs. Get the book now and witness the truth.


Scientists have discovered a new species of bacteria that has the remarkable ability to break down plastic at an incredibly fast rate.

The bacteria, named Ideonella sakaiensis, was found living on plastic bottles in a Japanese recycling facility. Its discovery has raised hopes that it could be used to help solve the world’s plastic pollution problem.

Get the book and learn more about it now!


The US became a superpower after three wars, but greed led to the loss of millions of American manufacturing jobs. Consumers benefited from lower-priced goods, but today, the US is dependent on China for low-cost goods. Imposing tariffs will hurt consumers.

The solution lies in balancing imports and exports, creating jobs worldwide, and making the world a better place for future generations.

Available on Amazon.


Public officials serving their own interests are sending the wrong message to future generations.

Our world leaders must recognize the messages from “Mother Nature” and take action to address pollution and promote equality and justice for all living creatures.

Uncover the truth of the Justice system in Carmelo’s book “At War For Justice”.


Humans are causing the extinction of millions of animal and plant species, threatening our economies, food security, and health.

A recent report found that 25% of mammals, 40% of amphibians, 33% of sharks, and 25% of plant groups are at risk of disappearing, with an estimated 1 million species facing extinction in the coming decades. It’s time for urgent action to protect our planet’s biodiversity.

Order the book and witness the hidden truth.


“At War For Justice” isn’t just a book; it’s a daring challenge to the very foundations of our Constitution and democracy.

This compelling narrative dares to shine a light on the vulnerabilities we often overlook.

Prepare to have your beliefs shaken as it uncover the hidden truths that shape our society. #JusticeAwakened

Visit our website and order your copy today!


Dive into the gripping pages of “At War For Justice,” where judicial corruption and the impending downfall of our nation are laid bare.

This captivating read isn’t for the faint-hearted—it exposes the dark underbelly of power and its consequences. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride of revelations. #CorruptionExposed

Order Carmelo’s book now!


“At War For Justice” is more than a book; it’s a journey through a century of global turmoil, echoing the far-reaching consequences of political unrest.

Be prepared to be transported through history’s most defining moments, revealing the struggles that have shaped our world. #GlobalChaos

Get the book and witness his story.


Within the pages of “At War For Justice,” lies the gripping account of nuclear superpowers playing a dangerous game.

Alongside this, witness the downfall of industry giants, their rise to glory, and the ashes of their demise. This book encapsulates a world on the brink. #NuclearRisk

Order your copy now and discover the untold story of courage, perseverance, and justice.


Prepare to be captivated by a compelling expose that unveils the clandestine world of global economic manipulation and political control.

Dive deep into the undercurrents of power that shape nations and destinies. #UnveilingTruths


Discover the fascinating history of human conflict through the ages.

From ancient Egypt to the modern world, this book is a poignant retelling of a century’s worth of human suffering and struggle.

Each page carries the weight of history, inviting you to connect with the past and understand the present like never before. #CenturySaga

Get the book now!


This book by Carmelo Pinnavaria shatters illusions and forces us to confront the stark contrast between the American dream and the true state of justice.

It’s a thought-provoking examination of the power dynamics that shape our society, urging us to rethink what we know. #JusticeDivide

Visit website and get your copy now!


Journey through the revelations of “At War For Justice,” where the stark divide between power and equality becomes crystal clear.

It’s a heart-wrenching exploration of how privilege influences justice, leaving you with a renewed perspective on our world. #PowerInfluence

Get the book now and witness the truth.


The cracks in our judicial system are exposed, showcasing the stark disparity between the ideal of justice for all and the reality of power and money.

It’s a wake-up call that challenges us to reevaluate our assumptions. #SystemFlaws

Get the book and learn more about it!


In “At War For Justice,” you’ll discover a rallying cry for equality and change.

It’s a call to arms for all who believe in justice, urging us to rise above the influence and work together to create a better world. #RiseUp

Book available on our website.


The future is yours to shape, this book by Carmelo Pinnavaria reminds us of this responsibility.

Stand up, take action, and become a driving force for change as you heed the book’s call to stand up for justice and equality. #FutureInYourHands

Uncover the truth of the Justice system in Carmelo’s book “At War For Justice”.


Don’t let “At War For Justice” pass you by—it’s more than a book; it’s a revelation.

As you immerse yourself in its pages, you’ll gain a fresh perspective on society, justice, and your role in shaping a brighter future for us all. #MustReadBook

Order the book and witness the hidden truth.